Rents: City to City Comparison

These are sample rents obtained via real estate search engines. They are random: It’s possible to find apartments at lower or higher rents. We did not find listings within our parameters in all medium sized cities (Ex: Armenia). In all examples, a rental agency is behind the listing and rents aren’t usually negotiable. You should not compare rents here to what someone who is already in a rental unit is paying, as existing tenants rents by law cannot be increased to reflect current market rates.

You can also do your own searches for apartments on these Spanish language sites:

We also have these guides to help you find an apartment in Colombia:

And now, our rent comparison…

Last updated: August 11, 2022

We used the following parameters:

  • Type: unfurnished hi rise apartment unit with security and at least a few community shared amenities (ex:
  • Floor space: 65-80 m2
  • Bedrooms: 2
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Parking spaces: 1
  • Estrato: 4 (middle class)

* Asterisk = community fees not included

CitySpaceMonthly Rent
Bogotá (Cedritos)70m21,230,000
Bogotá (Chapinero Alto)72m21,600,000
Bogotá (Salitre)68m22,700,000
Cali (Valle del Lili)70m21,400,000
Cali (El Caney)70m2870,000
Cali (Prados del Norte) 74m21,350,000
Cartagena (Los Alpes)70m21,500,000*
Cartagena (Serena del Mar)76m22,600,000*
Cartagena (Crespo)80m22,500,000*
Barranquilla (San Vicente)65m21,600,000*
Barranquilla (Andalucía)77m22,080,000*
Barranquilla (Villa Carolina)69m21,446,000*
Medellín (Belén)65m21,600,000
Medellín (El Poblado)71m22,650,000
Medellín (Los Colores)65m23,200,000
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